Apt Get Install Certain Version

Introduction: By default when you run either ‘apt-get upgrade’ or ‘apt upgrade’, Ubuntu will update all installed packages. However, in some cases, you may want to upgrade a specific package only such as Apache or Nginx. It is also possible to blacklist upgrading packages on Ubuntu Linux. For example, if you have XYX package version 1.3 installed, after apt-get update, the database will be reflect that the newer version 1.4 is available. When you do an apt-get upgrade after apt-get update, it upgrades the installed packages to the newer version.


Nginx is an open source HTTP Web server and reverse proxy server.
We should pronounced it as “Engine-Ex,”.
It is useful to re route application/service url for security purpose.

Environment : Linux ubuntu 16.04.x
Purpose: For Angular application we need to setup nginx for re routing urls for security purpose.
Free games download for nokia x2 01 10. Sometime installed nginx is not compatible to ubuntu 16.04.x so need to install specific nginx version.

Diskgenius license code. It is difficult to find nginx version name/id/version code on their side even i could not able to find on Google also.
Below is the trick to install specific nginx version.

1) Go to command line, run below command to downloads the package lists from the repositories and updates them to newest versions of packages and their dependencies.

2) Here is trick to know nginx version names, run below command where we have added wrong version

Apt Get Install Certain Version

Apt-get Install Certain Version

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